Friday, January 15, 2010

A Shout Out!!

I'm sending a shout out to my littlest sis!

Good Luck on your play tonight Brittle, you'll do awesome (even if your teacher IS stupid and is turning the whole thing into a gong show)

I know you'll do great and I wish I could be there to see you perform. Hey when you get rich and famous remember us "super supportive people" okay. LOL.

break a leg.....knock em dead...and so on....

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Book Number 68

Juvenile/ Young Adult fiction is really hit or miss with me.

The Novel: Deeper (book 2 in the Tunnels series)
The Authors: Roderick Gordon and Brian Williams

This book was a "meh it's okay" type of book. It was better than the first in the series, but like it's predecessor it ran long.
The characters are a little more interesting this go around and the action picks up quicker in this novel.
I guess I feel as though my YA fiction should read less juvenile and more's hard to explain. And You'd think with a novel being set for the 11- 17 ish age group that it wouldn't be so bloody long.
There are good elements to this novel as there were in the first novel, however I'm not a huge fan of the series so far. It's not really my style but I feel compelled to see this series to it's conclusion as I hope with the characters maturing the story line will begin to reflect that.

I give "Deeper" a rating of 2.75 out of 5.

Don't let the pervy title fool you, this novel is not like a typical teen novel with some teen angst and sexual tension, it is as far from it as you can get.

Book Number 67

I had absolutely no problem remembering this book. In fact I am making a note to find more works by this author.

The Novel: Kill Me
The Author: Stephen White

This novel's premise is very intriguing to me. It made me think, which is nice because my mind is going soft....
This novel was exciting from start to finish. I could picture the action sequences in my head as though I were watching the latest action thriller at the theatre.
Granted this book is not the first in a series, therefore I should be pissed off....I'm not however. The recurring character (from the other novels) is a minor character so I didn't feel cheated by not reading the other novels first.
The central character was likable as was the other protagonist characters in this novel. The bad guys were bad, but they weren't that easy to dislike.
I also enjoyed the author's way of laying out some of the storyline in non-chronological order. It wasn't confusing, which you might expect, but an interesting way of telling the story.

I give "Kill Me" a rating of 4.5 out of 5.

I love it when an author takes a concept that I've either discussed or thought about and lays it down in a well written exciting story.

Book Number 66

So it's been a pretty long while since I've read this book, so long in fact I had a hard time remembering it even after I read a synopsis online.
Usually I've been writing down in my little "ideas book" which books I've read and what I've though about them so that when I finally did get around to blogging about it I wouldn't have this problem....but I guess this is one of the books I didn't bother to write down.

The Novel: Nowhere To Run
The Author: Mary Jane Clark

So this book was another random library pick, which if you've read my blog at all, you'll know it means it was a friggin 6th book in a series. A series which I haven't read before. Dang It!

It was still a good book though. The writing was concise. The characters were believable and the storyline was interesting throughout.
Mary Jane Clark uses her knowledge of television producing and writing to make the setting and the interactions amongst the characters realistic.
All in all this book was pretty good. I would have preferred to have had the chance to read her previous books in the series before reading this one, but "it is what it is".

I give "Nowhere To Run" a rating of 3 out of 5.

I will probably give this author another go one day, but as my reading plate is pretty full I find I want to spend my reading time on new authors or authors that have pumped out books with a rating of 4 or higher (in my opinion).