Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Book Number 16

Again with a Charlaine Harris novel....who knew.....
Could it be that I had a bunch on hold at the library??? yep.

The Novel: Grave Surprise
The Author: Charlaine Harris
Link: http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/h/charlaine-harris/grave-surprise.htm

Grave surprise is the 2nd novel in the Harper Connelly series. I found this novel to be slightly more enjoyable than the first in the series. I found myself becoming more invested in the characters now that I know them better.
The plot is interesting and well written. Some parts of the novel were predictable, but still entertaining. Again a novel were I spent a lot of time trying to figure out who the bad guy was, I was right again! yay, me!
There were parts of this novel where I was asking the characters(in my head, obviously) "what the heck are you doing? don't do that, idiots, you'll just get into trouble, arrrggggg....okay go ahead, but just wait and see...." and sure enough I was right. But not all characters can be as smart as me, and if they followed common sense then it wouldn't be as interesting to read.
There's an undercurrent of sexual tension between the main characters that I hope will be explored in the next novel (on hold at the library, yay!)

I give "Grave Surprise" a rating of 3.75 out of 5.

I'm invested now, there's just enough character tension that I have to read the next novel......and that's how she sucks you in.......good on ya Ms. Harris, well done.

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