Sunday, August 16, 2009

Book Number 28

I have been making a more conscious effort to read more male authors. The last 27 books I've read have been predominantly female authors (a ratio of 23:4). Thus, I've taken the time to grab random books at the library with male authors and book covers that catch my eye. This novel was one of those choices.

The Novel: Natural Elements
The Author: Richard Mason

I liked this book. It was dense and long, but well written. Natural Elements an inventive work of fiction that has realistic historical elements.
The characters are colourful and well described. I found myself wishing and hoping that Joan's magic pedals were real and not just the signs of an elderly woman succumbing to dementia.
I could feel Eloise's stress and was hoping for a miracle on her part as well.
The historical flash backs gave me a good look into life during the time of the Anglo- Boer war of 1899- 1901.
All in all, I find that this is a book where realism and the fantastical meet to form a beautifully written engrossing tale.

I give "Natural Elements" a rating of 3.75 out of 5.

I'm glad I picked this novel. Another good choice done on the basis of cover art and the fact that it was written by a male.

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