Sunday, August 9, 2009

Book Number 25

Well I did it! I read 25 books in a month. I am right on schedule, I might just make my 300 books in a year goal, if I can keep this up.....and I can proudly say that I didn't neglect my family too much.......
Pats myself on the back

The Novel: A Desirable Residence
The Author: Madeleine Wickham

I was disappointed. I've read other stuff by Madeleine Wickham and her alter ego Sophie Kinsella...this book did not measure up to her other works, at all.
I found I disliked almost every character apart from Jonathan and Alice (who seem to be the only "real" characters). I wasn't immediately sucked in to the story and it took a lot of patience on my part to get through it.
The plot was ok, but it could have been done a lot better.
I finally became slightly more interested at the end, but it was too little too late.
There is too much going on in this novel, too many side stories that just make it more "cluttery" and took away from the main story.

I give "A Desirable Residence" a rating of 2.5 out of 5.

I have another Madeleine Wickham book on my shelf, I just hope it is better than this one. A Desirable Residence is not a desirable read.

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